Merlin Interiors

Handmade Curtains Vs Ready-Made Curtains

Nowadays, there’s very little reason as to why we can’t make out home unique. There are so many services, furnishings and little touches available that injecting our personality into our home is something of a simple endeavour. However, there are some things that can be overlooked which could give your home some additional flair. Curtains […]

Roman Blinds Inject Style and Practicality

The stifling temperatures associated with the Mediterranean climate of ancient Rome are cited as one of the main reasons for the creation of roman blinds. Back in the days of old, the streets were paved with cobblestones, and due to the fact they were often used by those with horse and carts, it was inevitable […]

Interior Design Can Now Be Viewed Via Virtual Reality

We’re all fully aware of how technology has made advancements in a number of different sectors, and interior design is no different. As such, services such as Decorilla are giving those who are looking for an overhaul of their current abode a sneak preview of what things could look like once the project is finished. […]

Home Décor Goes Tropical for The Summer

As the seasons come and go, it’s not unusual to see a series of home décor that looks to emulate the tropical vibe within your home. It’s not unusual for such décor to be unveiled at this time of year, given the inviting warm weather the summer months often give us. Furnishings and accessories making […]

Cheap Coffee Table Used to Create Tiny Music Visualizer

Tech enthusiasts are able to purchase a number of premium products that look to combine the luxury of everyday living with high-end gadgets. Take for example the bed that produces a television out of nowhere with the mere push of a button, or even the retro-infused video games that double as unique coffee tables. However, […]

FlipFlic Transforms Shutters into Smart Blinds

When you think of apps and technology, it’s unlikely you would ever consider an association with household blinds, but that’s what the team behind ‘FlipFic’ have done. The smart device is set to retail at $60, which converts to approximately £40, and is set to take care of those problems with blinds you never knew […]

Filling The Gap: Furnishing a Large Room

When considering floor space, it’s likely that many of us have struggled with small, awkwardly-designed houses that leave us crying out for extra space, but what happens when we get the space we want. While it is enough to sort our current storage problem, it can present other issues if the right strategy isn’t put […]

Traditional vs Industrial Furniture

Although there are many styles of furniture available, many fall into two categories, and that’s industrial and traditional. There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to selecting either, but each does have their pros and cons, and will fit into the interior design of your home in a number of different ways. […]

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