Merlin Interiors

Why you should consider made-to-measure curtains

When it comes to deciding how a home should appear, the windows are always a big part of the deliberations that is why made-to-measure curtains are always ready to save you time and money. If you treat your windows well, they will treat your house well. Therefore, it goes without saying that window choices should always be considered very carefully.

One of the best gifts that you can give your windows is good curtains. Your window curtains are actually a reflection of yourself. So while staying within your budget is important, it is also important to ensure that you invest enough time and money in finding curtains that will give your space a touch of class.

Made-to-measure curtains versus ready-made curtains

While ready-made curtains can offer a viable solution to your curtain needs, it is difficult to argue against the freedom you feel when you make a contribution to how you would like your curtains to look like. Made-to-measure curtains are the only option where you have a say in how they will look like.

Here are some advantages of made-to-measure curtains.


If you are looking for curtains with a bit more flair or a touch of personal taste, made-to-measure curtains may be the most viable option for you. With a custom design, you can continue to add more ideas as they form in your mind. Valances, tails, and pelmets are some of the decorations you can add to give your made-to-measure curtains a personal feel.

Value for money

We all strive to spend the least money but get the best products. It is true that ready-made curtains will cost you less than made-to-measure curtains as ready-made curtains are produced in large quantities. However, buying any ready-made item forces you to compromise on a lot of things. Even if you have to pay more for made-to-measure curtains, you will end up with something unique that you can be proud of. At the same time, the craftsmanship and the fabrics will be of a higher quality.

Precise measurements

While ready-made curtains are made to fit the most common window shapes and sizes, made-to-measure curtains are your best bet if tour windows are higher or wider than normal. A made- to-measure designer will take all your window measurements before he or she begins work. The last thing you want is ill-fitting curtains that compromise your privacy and let the sun into your rooms.

Your personal touch

If you need your curtains as soon as possible or you are on a shoestring budget, ready-made curtains can be your most convenient option for you. However, if you are ready to spend a few more pounds and have some more time on your hands, you will definitely get the benefits of made-to-measure curtains.

Unusual requirements

Although there is a wide variety of colours and designs to pick from when buying ready-made curtains, sometimes it can be difficult for a person with unusual requirements to be satisfied. Sometimes your windows are not standard size or shape, which makes it difficult to find any other solution than made-to-measure curtains.

At Merlin Interiors, you can rest assured that your specifications will be met to the last little details. We understand how important it is for you to have curtains that you can look at and say that you are proud of your choice. Email us at [email protected] and we will be ready to start working on your new curtains immediately.

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