Merlin Interiors

Why plantation shutters are such an invaluable part of interior design

Plantation shutters are one of the popular elements of interior design. In addition to being versatile and requiring very little maintenance, they also have the potential to increase the value of a home. In most cases, when the home is sold, the plantation shutters stay with it.

At the same time, plantation shutters are very easy to customise. This is because there are many types of woods that can be used to make them. this makes it easy to work with any type of décor or room design.

For hardcore curtain lovers you can have a plantation shutter and still have your curtains. There is no rule that says it’s either shutters or curtains. You can still enjoy the many benefits of plantation shutters while still giving your rooms your own personal touch with curtains of your own choice, whether ready-made or made-to-measure.

Compared to the other traditional window furnishings, plantation shutters offer more benefits. Here are some of these benefits:

Health benefits

Plantation shutters don’t let dust accumulate like it does in blind and fabric curtains. Built-up dust is fertile ground for dust mites. At the same time, if you suffer from allergies and would like to avoid dusty environments, plantation shutters are the perfect choice for you.

Investment value

Plantation shutters are a type of window dressing that is desired by many people. For this reason, they make for a very sound investment. They are a permanent part of the building structure and can, therefore, be used as leverage when selling the house.

Enhanced privacy

If your property is adjacent to a regularly used street, plantation shutters are more appropriate for you as their lower louvres can be closed or tilted, while keeping the top ones open. This means you control the light entering the property while maintaining your privacy at the same time.

Sound insulation and temperature control

When you close the louvres and the panel doors, a plantation shutter locks out a considerable amount of outside noise. At the same time, during the cold season, the timber barrier keeps you warm by insulating your room. When it’s hot, you can allow air to circulate by closing the panels and opening the windows.

Elegant and long lasting

The fact that they are made using natural wood gives a very long lifespan. In fact, most of the wood shutters come with a lifelong guarantee.

Regular maintenance

Although plantation shutters last much longer compared to traditional windows, they still need to be adequately maintained for them to maintain their stylish look and also work effectively.

Here are some tips to help you keep plantation shutters in top condition:

The fact that plantation shutters have horizontal slats that are easy to open and close, regular maintenance is very easy. It’s all about running a duster over each louvre and removing all dirt. For tougher stains, a dump cloth is enough.

If the slats become too stiff or too loose, you can loosen or tighten the screws on each side of each individual louvre.

When the paintwork wears off or has any scratches, additional paint does the trick. But you have to be careful to pick the same exact colour to avoid making the shutters look worse.

Plantation Shutters

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