Merlin Interiors

FlipFlic Transforms Shutters into Smart Blinds

When you think of apps and technology, it’s unlikely you would ever consider an association with household blinds, but that’s what the team behind ‘FlipFic’ have done.

The smart device is set to retail at $60, which converts to approximately £40, and is set to take care of those problems with blinds you never knew you had.

The device itself connects to the blinds via a magnet, so can be applied within seconds. Users can then control the device from a dedicated app.

How the blinds are controlled is up to the user themselves. Some may prefer to stick with the default option the device comes with, or allow the sensors to calculate the light and temperature in the room.

The team behind the FlipFlic device set up a Kickstarter campaign to raise $50,000 (£34, 850) which has been surpassed, reaching a total of $93,471 (£64,522). The additional funds will allow the creators to add further functionality so it falls in line with other home automation products.

Co-founder Ksenia Vinogradova had the idea for FlipFlac after having to open 12 window blinds while at home, as well as a great deal more when she made it into work. The FlipFlac will look to save consumers money on electricity and air-conditioning, as well as fitting in with rest of the décor.

Image: YouTube, available under Creative Commons.

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