Merlin Interiors

Interior Design is All About the Senses

Many believe that interior design is all about appealing to the eyes by creating a physical appearance that resonates. Through incorporating different styles, textures and colours, it is possible to bring a room to life and that all begins with what the eyes see. However, there is more to the look of your home than you might realise because interior design is also about creating a space that smells great.

We all recognise the smell of our homes and we all recognise the scent of other homes when we enter them. If a house has an undesirable fragrance then we instantly feel as though the space is not inviting but in contrast to this, a sweet smelling fragrance leaves us wanting more. Much in the same way as a great looking room leaves us wanting more. This is where interior design is just as much about looks as it is about scents.

Fragrances are big business

You only have to take a look around your home stores or your department stores and realise just how popular fragrances are. Up until now, the impact that fragrances have on our mindset has been underestimated but that is changing. The range of candles and diffusers is vast and varied and candles have long been a staple accessory of many interior design styles

But how do you make the most of our sense of smell and how do you choose the right fragrance for the home?

To begin, there are those fragrances that are made for specific rooms in the home and there are those that are perfect for different times of the day, not forgetting those that are made for certain occasions.

So, if you are looking to give a room a fresh and uplifting fragrance then something like lemongrass and citrus will work wonders. They are also great in the kitchen or those areas where you want to counteract potential smells.

The living room is a space that you want to feel inviting and welcoming as well as comfortable and that means that a fragrance such as sandalwood can really make a difference. That alluring fragrance invites you in and can transform the feel of a room.

However, there are other fragrances that create that warm ambience such as amber-based fragrances or fragrances that include a hint of vanilla.

Two areas of the home where you want to create that feeling of relaxation and romance are the bathroom and the bedroom. For many, lavender is a popular choice here but rose can also enhance the atmosphere.

So, interior design is all about appealing to our senses but often, we tend to focus on what we see. However, when we can appeal to more senses, it can heighten the experience and that can mean that interior design is taken to another level. All it takes is the introduction of a fragrance, whether that is a scented candle or a diffuser, and your room will take on a completely different personality.

For more information regarding how we can help you with your interior design please contact us.



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