Merlin Interiors

Handmade Curtains Vs Ready-Made Curtains

Nowadays, there’s very little reason as to why we can’t make out home unique. There are so many services, furnishings and little touches available that injecting our personality into our home is something of a simple endeavour. However, there are some things that can be overlooked which could give your home some additional flair.

Curtains can be overlooked in many instances, with people choosing to purchase a pair of ready-made curtains from a high street retailer, without ever considering the benefits of handmade curtains. While it’s true that ready-made curtains can be used within a number of different settings without being detrimental to the overall aesthetics, handmade curtains can often add an additional bit of character that’s not always found with ready-made curtains.

Handmade Curtains Allow for More Choice

Although there are a number of ready-made curtain designs that look simply stunning in a variety of different homes, they can be somewhat limiting when it comes to fabric and design. For example, we may have found the design of our dreams, but the fabric is too heavy. Similarly, we may have found the ideal light fabric, but the overall design can feel a little lacklustre.

Opting for handmade curtains allows those looking for a perfect balance the freedom to truly explore the variations available. Reputable curtain manufacturers can often provide help and advice if there is any aspect of the design process you’re not familiar with.

Problematic Areas Are No Longer a Problem

Many of us have found our dream property, only to find that window can be something of a challenge to dress. Bay windows and quirkier properties will often struggle when met with more challenging measurements. However, handmade curtains can eliminate this problem, as they will be made to measure, and as such, will fit the designated area perfectly.

Of course, it’s important that we check our measurements before going ahead with the order, but handmade curtains can be made in a number of different lengths, styles and colours that look to compliment any window, regardless of its shape and size.

Handmade Curtains Mean Better Quality

While some high-street ready-made curtains can certainly look the part, they don’t always deliver where it matters most, and that’s the overall quality. Handmade curtains will have quality instilled due to the fact that they are custom made. High street alternatives are mass-produced and can generally fall victim to a number of defects.

There can also be some issues with regard to the measurements, especially if the curtains were mass produced abroad, as such companies will not have as much knowledge as that of a professional UK-based curtain manufacturer.

Whether you’re looking for dark curtains to block out the summer nights for children’s bedrooms, or something to let the light in within a specific living area, handmade curtains are an ideal way of ensuring that you have both the texture and the design you’re looking for, while dressing your windows perfectly.

Image: Flickr, available under Creative Commons.

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