Merlin Interiors

Filling The Gap: Furnishing a Large Room

When considering floor space, it’s likely that many of us have struggled with small, awkwardly-designed houses that leave us crying out for extra space, but what happens when we get the space we want. While it is enough to sort our current storage problem, it can present other issues if the right strategy isn’t put in place. While you’re likely to avoid the issues of everything looking ‘crammed,’ you could find that your home looks a little empty as a result.

Buy Larger Furniture

When moving to a property that is much bigger than your previous, you may need to make some adjustments for the furniture. While the furniture you had in the past may have looked large in the previous property, a property with more floor space will give you a completely different perspective.

Try and gain an idea of how much space you need to fill in the new property, then consider what furniture you need. From here on, you should be able to find a healthy balance between the size of the property and the furniture being purchased. If you’re still unsure, then why not enlist the services of an interior designer, who will be able to offer you a wealth of advice of which avenue you should take in relation to your furniture.

Showcase Your Personality

Are you an avid gamer? Maybe you enjoy collecting vinyl records? You could even enjoy movies, meaning you like to invest in high-end media equipment. Whatever your tastes, why not showcase them in the best way possible by taking full advantage of the valuable space you now have access to.

Avid movie watchers could showcase their collection in true style with a large entertainment unit. Similarly, avid music collectors could categorise their collection with ease.

Create a Focal Point

What kind of focal point you create will depend on the property, but many people make use of a fireplace or a large television. You could even refer back to showcasing your personality with carefully-arranged items.

There are a number of ways in which you can create a focal point that are true conversation starters, you just need to research as to what options are available. Again, if you’re not too sure about where to begin, then there is a wealth of advice that can be gained from employing the services of an interior designer.

Ideally, you will be looking to opt for a look that looks homely, while not feeling too cramped. At the same time, you need to ensure that the dimensions of the room compliment that of the furniture so you’re not left with rooms that look empty.

Of course, the furniture you purchase could also have to work in contrast with the décor itself, so there’s a lot to be gained by planning in advance and having a strong idea of what your options are.

Image: Flickr, available under Creative Commons.


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