Merlin Interiors

How To Choose Curtains For A Conservatory

A conservatory is a wonderful investment for your home, and will certainly add value to your property while adding an extra useful living space which you can use for children to play in, as a dining area, home office, or additional living room.

While conservatories are wonderful during the summer months, it can be more difficult to use these spaces when the colder weather sets in, since the large expanses of glass traditionally found in these rooms often lead to a cold environment which is unwelcoming and uninviting.

Heat loss from conservatories can easily be rectified however, and with a few simple changes you will find that you can enjoy this space all year round, whatever the weather.


Curtains As Insulators

Although blinds are often a popular choice for conservatories, during the winter, curtains are a much better choice. By choosing a thicker or lined fabric, you can ensure that the chill wind can be kept out of your room and the cold that naturally comes through your window panes cannot penetrate your cosy living spaces.


Stylish Appeal

One of the great advantages of choosing curtains for your conservatory is that they create a softer, more stylish look. If you are trying to create a vintage or classic theme for your room, draped curtains are a perfect choice, with a beautiful Victorian feel that looks wonderful in a traditionally styled home. Alternatively, if you are looking for something more modern, attractive voiles are a great way of letting in natural light while still ensuring complete privacy, especially in a space that is open to public view.


Getting The Right Fit

One of the greatest issues facing homeowners who are looking for conservatory window coverings is getting the perfect fit. Conservatory windows rarely conform to traditional sizes, however the ideal solution is to invest in some made to measure curtains. By taking precise measurements, it is possible to achieve the best possible fit so that your curtains can perfectly match the size and shape of your windows. Available in a huge range of patterns and fabrics, you are sure to find the perfect made to measure curtains to complement your home’s décor and theming.


Tuck Your Curtains Away

When you opt for curtains in your conservatory, you need to be careful to choose ones that can tuck away tightly when open, as otherwise you will lose a lot of the natural daylight in your space. The whole point of a conservatory is to enjoy maximum light and the view of your outdoor environment, so you don’t want to compromise this by putting up curtains that limit either of these things. Tight pencil pleats will ensure that you can pull your curtains back as far as possible, and if you choose a light fabric, you will still be able to enjoy maximum light while having all of the additional benefits that curtains can provide.


Although curtains are still less popular than blinds in a conservatory, they are a great choice, particularly during the colder winter months. Conservatory curtains can be stylish, practical and insulating as long as you make the right choices.

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