Merlin Interiors

Tips for Adding Character and Charm Your Home

Whether we’re looking to update our current furnishings, or have moved into a new home and are stuck as to what kind of stamp we would like to put on it, it can be beneficial to have a few tips to hand to ensure that we’re fully confident that we’re making the right steps when making our home our own.

Consider Replacing Door Knobs

When we’re looking to add an original slant to our dwellings, not everyone considers replacing something as simple as door handles, but the truth is that it can make all the difference. Depending on your style preferences, there are a number of different designs which will help reflect your personality. The possibilities are endless, with coloured glass and brass just being two of the choices available.

Add Decorative Shutters

You may have experimented with several different fittings for your window, but as yet have found nothing that’s to your liking. However, the use of shutters can add a touch of class to the home, which can be viewed from both inside and outside the property. As well as adding a level of rustic appeal, shutters can also help insulate your home.

Clear the Foyer

Depending on how long we’ve been in our abode, the foyer can soon become a breeding ground for clutter. The worse it gets, the more we can put off the daunting task presented when looking to clear the area, However, the vicious circle should be broken further than later. Changes that can be made can include the introduction of a bistro table, as well as a storage facility for mail.

Think Through Your Storage Options

Depending on the size of your property, space can be problematic. It could be due to the architecture, or simply due to the size of the property. While you may not be able to fit in a chest of drawers or storage unit, you can make clever use of shelves and pegs to add a bespoke look to your dwellings.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Paint

When moving into a new property, it’s normal for us to get excited, and make a series of different plans when it comes to the décor. However, budgetary limitations can mean that we have to forgo some of our plans. However, this doesn’t mean that we’re not able to add a level of character to our home for a small investment. For example, if you’re not able to source new furniture, old furniture can be given a new lease of life simply by painting them. The same can be applied to kitchen furniture.

Regardless of whether we’re looking to add a level of charm to an existing property, or start from scratch with a new one, there are a number of ways of adding character and charm to your home, without having to break the bank,

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