Merlin Interiors

Things to Consider When Caring for Your Upholstery

When it comes to giving our furnishings a new lease of life, then we can simply have them reupholstered, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t extend the lifespan of our furnishings by ensuring we care for our upholstery in the right way.

Of course, there is no magic wand that can be waved to make caring for our furnishings an easy endeavor, after all we use our furnishings day in and day out, so they are going to be open to general wear-and-tear, but the following insight should allow you to maintain your upholstery so it looks and feels its best.

Try and Avoid Having Pets on the Furniture

This is probably the most unpopular piece of advice that can be given in relation to upholstery care, as those with pets love nothing more than having cuddles on the settee, but the fact is that pets can shed and dander everywhere, which in turn has an effect on our upholstery.

This can cause problems for family members who may be allergic to the likes of cats and dogs. The body oils produced by cats and dogs can also be secreted into the furnishings, which means that odours can start omitting from the furniture.

If you insist on having pets on your furnishings, then it would probably be advisable to lay down a blanket, or some form of covering to try and minimise any consequences.

Vacuum Your Upholstery Frequently  

While this can seem like a bit of a no-brainer, it can be easy to forget the importance of vacuuming furniture when you have so many other things to consider during the day. However, setting time aside to ensure you are able to deep clean your upholstery will pay dividends in the end.

Upholstery can be a haven for a series of dust and food particles, which if left can turn into mold, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on your upholstery overall.

Ensure You Use the Right Kind of Products When Cleaning

Although some products can work wonders around the home, you shouldn’t assume they are always suitable for upholstery. For example, some products contain bleach, which while making light work for the stain, could end up discolouring your upholstery. If you’re in any doubt, check a small area out of sight, or consult an outlet that deals with such products, telling them your exact requirements.

Know When to Call in the Professionals

Even though we’ve tried our best to maintain our upholstery, there can be instances where we’re not able to deal with the consequences alone. For example, a particular spill may mean that the upholstery itself needs to be cleaned professionally.

Upholstery can also be open to wear and tear, especially when placed in households with children and animals. If some of the upholstery of your favourite furnishings have become a little tatty over time, then you should look to employ the services of professional furniture upholsters.

Image: Pixabay, available under Creative Commons

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