Merlin Interiors

Metallic Accents – Your Home Can Benefit From Them

For the past few years, metallic accents have been looked on favourably when it comes to interior design. In fact, introducing them to your home brings with it a huge array of benefits and endless possibilities. You can opt to inject this wonderful touch of style and colour into any room just by adding accessories such as mirrors, hardware and even ornaments.

Some time ago, using metals in the home was frowned upon but now everyone is accepting it with open arms. So, now is the time for you to experiment with different metallics around the home and find something that works for you.

Metallic décor has been around for some time but in older homes, it can often look outdated and so, it is better to introduce items that have clean lines while taking a strategic approach to the way in which you mix metals.

It is possible to incorporate metals into your home by using items such as handles or light fittings or even soft furnishings that have a metallic finish to them. Once you achieve a balance of materials, then you can introduce metallics that provide a welcome contrast to the room as well as the colours and materials on display.

Metallic accents complement neutral tones but even introducing just a small amount of metallic accents to your home can make a real difference.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is the room in our homes that we value the most because it is where we spend most of our time. Therefore, crisp, clean lines and a white kitchen works brilliantly with bronze door handles. However, you don’t need a white kitchen to benefit from metallics because there are so man different accessories available to choose from.


The Bathroom

In terms of use, the bathroom is up there as one of the most used rooms in the house. It is a place where you can go to relax in the bath and the place where you should look to create an oasis of calm and style. You can add in metallic mirrors or bathroom accessories, including chrome radiators as well as bath and sink fittings.

Create a Metallic Gallery Wall

If you have wanted to include a gallery wall in your home because you have space that you need to use then a gallery wall with metallics is the ideal solution. You can bring in metallic photo frames, artwork as well as trinkets and accessories that bring your room to life. This is a space that you can call your own so you should look to add in those items that work for you. Get creative, try different layouts and come up with concepts that complement your home.

So, metallics are easily incorporated into your home with very little effort because of the options available to you. From the kitchen to the bathroom and even the living room, you can add in small items or grand metallic items that make a real impression. Whatever you choose, just remember that metallics are in fashion at the moment, so use some creativity and create a home that packs a real punch.

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