Merlin Interiors

Design Ideas to Soundproof A Noisy Home

Do you live on a main road where noise is a problem? If you live close to a city centre or major thoroughfare, you have probably found that it can be difficult to sleep due to traffic passing your property. Living in a noisy home can not only be irritating, but can severely impact your quality of life. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to mitigate the problem. Here, we look at some simple solutions that you can put in place that will save you the inconvenience of having to move house.


Rearrange Your Rooms

If you find that your bedroom is facing out onto the main street, you might want to consider rearranging your living spaces so that the sleeping areas are away from the noisiest parts of the property. Kitchens and living areas are less likely to feel the impact of traffic noise as they are used most frequently during the day, and the sounds of appliances and the television are likely to drown out any extraneous noise. Make sure that these rooms are located on the side of the property facing onto the street and keep bedrooms on the opposite side of the house so that you can enjoy a better sleep.


Installing Garden Fences

One of the best ways to reduce noise in your home is to install a high garden fence or wall around your property. A higher fence will absorb the sound more effectively and will cut down the amount of traffic sounds that enter your home.


Creating Window Boxes

It may sound strange, but creating window boxes filled with dense plants can actually reduce the amount of noise that enters your home. Foliage can absorb sounds and help to make the noise levels inside your home more bearable.


Opting For Plantation Shutters

Plantation shutters are the ideal solution to eliminating excess noise from your home. These effective window coverings are able to block out sounds while still looking stylish. As an added bonus, plantation shutters can also help to maintain higher levels of privacy in your property and can improve insulation whilst also allowing you to adjust the amount of light that enters your room. You should also make sure that any gaps or cracks around your windows have been filled in to prevent sounds leaking into your property.


Consider A Water Feature

If you are finding it difficult to enjoy your garden or outdoor spaces because of loud noises from a nearby road, one solution is to install a water feature. A fountain can counteract the sounds of the road and offers a natural, more pleasant alternative to make your garden a more pleasant place to be.


Although living in a noisy environment is never easy, it is possible to reduce the impact of excess sounds on your life by making these changes to your home. While many of these alterations are simple to make, they could greatly improve your quality of life and help to save you the expense and hassle of moving house.


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