Merlin Interiors

Considerations to Make When Buying Hotel Curtains

Hotels offer visitors a break from the norm, and often look to give guests the best experience possible. Depending on the clientele of the hotel, the smaller details can also be overly-important, such as the furnishings and how the curtains are fitted.

As well as offering customers luxury, a hotel also needs to ensure that the curtains it purchases are fit for purpose.

Consider The Type of Curtains

While there’s the material of curtains to consider, there’s also how the curtains are going to hang. For example, tab tops and eyelet tops will hang from a pole, whereas a tape top fitting sees the curtains attached via a series of hooks.

Fittings will vary on cost, and which option to instil when it comes to hotel curtains can depend on a number of factors. Fittings that use plastic hooks may be cheaper initially, but a hotel could find that such fixings cost more in the long run when compared to a more robust solution.

Light or Blackout Curtains?

Although the purchase of curtains is based on the aesthetics, you still have to establish as to what purpose they will be serving within the hotel. For example, a restaurant area may want to let in natural light. On the other hand, the curtains may be required for one of the rooms, so it may be necessary to keep light out.

Those looking for a more lightweight curtain material may want to consider materials such as sheer cotton, lace or linen. Not only do these types of material let natural light in, but they are ideal for those looking to instil a retro feel into the hotel’s personality.

More heavyweight materials, such as tapestry and velvet will often keep natural light out when drawn, so could be used for guest rooms in a hotel. Such materials are often used within hotel chains, adding personality to their chain as a whole.

Do The Curtains Compliment the Décor? 

Although a pair of luxury curtains can look beautiful in the first instance, they could look out of place if other factors haven’t been considered. In order to ensure that the curtains purchased make the right kind of impact, a hotel needs to take its overall furnishings into account. A company specialising in hotel curtains can then ensure that you are purchasing the right kind of curtains.

Do The Curtains Comply with Health and Safety?

As well as ensuring guests enjoy their break, a hotel also has to ensure that guests remain safe while on the premises. One of these requirements is to ensure that any materials used are fire retardant, as this will ensure that a fire doesn’t spread should one start.

However, just because hotel curtains need to be flame retardant, that doesn’t mean the style has to suffer. Just ensure you mention the requirement when looking over your options with the curtain company.


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