Merlin Interiors

Choosing New Curtains? Should You Choose A Pattern Or Plain?

When redecorating a room, one of the key elements to consider is your window décor. Should you opt for plain curtains? Or would a patterned pair be a better solution? The perfect solution for one room will not work in another, so you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each for your particular style and preferences before you make a final decision.


Consider Your Overall Theming

Does your room already have heavy theming? If you are redecorating a space that already contains multi-coloured furnishings or patterned wall coverings, adding further patterns into the mix in the form of curtains is almost certainly going to be a mistake. Choose a plain design, either in a shade that matches the main colour of the space or which complements it well. This will help to tone down the busy environment and give the eye some respite.


Achieving Unity

If you are hoping to achieve a colour co-ordinated effect in your space, it makes sense to choose a plain curtain design in a colour that matches other objects and accessories around the room. If you opt for the same shade as your area rug, cushions or feature wall, you will automatically accentuate that colour whilst also creating a natural theme for the room.


Adding Flair

If your room is very plain – for example if you have opted for minimalist white or a single colour scheme, you may want to create a little more visual excitement by adding extra flair in the form of patterned curtains. By choosing a bold design, you can draw the eye and turn your windows into a focal point.


Closed Or Open

Remember that your curtains will not always be open. On long winter’s nights when your curtains are closed, your room will have a very different look and feel. You need to keep this in mind when making your purchasing decisions. A patterned curtain can have the same effect as a piece of art when pulled closed, while a plain curtain will have a more neutral appearance.


Choose Your Curtains First

When you are giving your room a makeover, it is often simpler to choose a pair of curtains before selecting the shade of paint. Once you have chosen the perfect curtain colour or pattern, it is easier to find the right paint to complement your choice. Fabric swatches make it much easier to make your paint choice.


Getting The Perfect Fit

It can be difficult to find the perfect curtains to fit your room, especially if you have unusually shaped windows or a window width or length that doesn’t exactly fit into readymade designs. Made to measure curtains can be made up in your choice of fabric and will always perfectly fit your individual windows for the best possible appearance. Once measurements have been taken, you can rest assured that your customised curtains will look fantastic and will be just the right shape and size to match your windows.


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