Merlin Interiors

Create A luxury Bedroom That Oozes Style

The bedroom is a personal sanctuary and an intimate place where you can often showcase your true desires and preferences. The bedroom is now more than just a place where we spend time sleeping because they are places where we can find peace and tranquillity and so when it comes to creating a luxury bedroom, they are features and designs that need to be considered.

When it comes to creating your luxury bedroom, you will need to consider what feelings you want to evoke and what atmosphere you want to create. Once you have worked this out, you can then begin to bring pieces together that are both decorative and practical. You can also determine what needs to be removed or slightly altered. The whole process involves identifying what suits you and so, determining the intricate details and layering colours and textures can create a look of class and luxury. So, if you want to design your dream luxury bedroom, then you need to think about the basic elements.

Your Bed

This is the main focal point of any bedroom and it is the main centrepiece. Therefore, its position, its colour and tones and design will all play into the look and feel of your room. It should be positioned where it becomes the focal point and the colours should work with the space that you have, so for smaller bedrooms consider light tones while larger rooms can choose darker colours.

Get the Symmetry Right

A luxury bedroom is underpinned by a look and feel of symmetry and this sort of follows the rules of Feng Shui. So, with this in mind, you should look to add bedside tables to either side of the bed, both of which will be home to two lamps but you will also need two sets of pillows to give your bed that symmetrical appearance. If you do this correctly, the room will instantly become aesthetically pleasing.


There are more textures than you might realise in your bedroom but it gives you the chance to become creative. You will need to consider the likes of the bed linen, cushions, curtains and pillows as well as rugs and throws. Opting for bed linen and matching cushions with premium pillows will give an almost, luxury hotel appearance but it will also provide you with the comfort that you need from your bedroom. Try to incorporate a wide range of textures such as cotton, silks and velvets, all of which create a certain character and luxurious appeal. Finish off the textures with a rug as this will really give your room that finished look.

The Lighting

Lighting is vital in any bedroom. You don’t want it too bright but you also don’t want it too subtle. Therefore, you should look to include table lamps and spotlights with the main light as all of these will help to create layered lighting that creates an impressive effect and atmosphere. A plush, classy ceiling light fitting will offer a practical level of lighting but will also finish off the overall appearance of the bedroom.

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