Merlin Interiors

Interior Design Trends to Look Out for in 2017

If there’s one thing you can rely on in the world of interior design is changing, and this is what makes the market so appealing to many different people. Although we all want to put our own stamp when it comes to our surroundings, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take influence from other areas. Interior design opens up a world of possibilities for those looking to make a difference to their décor. Evidently a new year means new trends, and the following is an overview of what you can expect to find within the world of interior design during 2017.

Tropical Influence is Rife

Although you may not have noticed yet the exotic influence of Palm Springs and Ibiza is abundant in interior design. Whether we’re looking for drapes that give an impression of relaxation, or curtains that are able to showcase our favourite tropical flowers, there’s always a way to infuse the right level of influence throughout your home. As the tropical influence can be broad, there’s plenty of options available to you, even if they don’t already exist. Simply consider your design preferences, and should a pre-made solution not be available, then you can simply have it created using an interior design service.

Texture and Touch Are Becoming More Important

Although the aesthetics of any abode will be an important focal point for many, more and more are finding new ways to showcase their home thanks to textured finishes. Whether we’re investing in brushed brass tables, or ensuring that our wallpaper and furnishing have a certain touch, there are many ways in which we can have a home that alerts a number of senses. If you’re not sure as to whether this trend is for you, why not experiment with mixing fabrics when dressing bedrooms and living spaces.

Muted Colours Are Becoming Popular

Evidently, the colours we decide on are done so for a number of reasons, and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. However, it’s a known fact that some colours can make us feel uneasy, and in some instances, anxious. If you’re currently uneasy about your current décor, then it may be time to make a change. Colours such as whites, beiges and pinkish-blues can bring a much-needed injection of calm to your humble abode.

Quirky Lighting is Key

It should come as no surprise the difference the right placement of light can make, but not everyone focuses on the source of the light. However, many can really showcase their creative side by instilling a quirky light source, which can also add to the character of our dwellings as a whole.

While such trends can make a difference to our home in 2017, they don’t require us to overhaul our entire dwellings. As such, we can keep in trend throughout the year, allowing for small changes as and when our budget allows.

“Light 3” by Tony Hisgett is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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